Urgent, just need a little help.
this is like the lowest ive ever been in my life actually. Ive never even thought about doing any thing like this in my life. But ive come to the point where i literally have no option. Im only 22. I have an almost 2 year old son, whos birthday is literally in 2 weeks from now. Im about to lose my house. I lost my car a month ago. I got let go from my job due to transportation issues. I live in an extremely small town now to where none of the jobs around here are hiring. Ive walked miles every day just to try and do something but im at my end here. Ive done everything you can possibly think of. Ive applied for emergency rental assistance, food stamps, unemployment. Everything. Ive been waiting on all of this for well over a month now and im just losing all hope. My life was so good up until about a year ago. It started off with my father in law dying, that set everyone back and we ended up all dishing out to what costed 11 thousand dollars for his funeral. Not even a whole year later, in march of this year actually, my mother in law died. My life was starting to fall apart already, so we had to cremate her. And also pay for that as well. And April of this year is when everything started crumbling. My own father died. This was my only family besides my older sister. My best friend. I got into a horrible depression, and i spent 1,000$ that i didnt have just so i could see him one last time for 30 minutes with only 10 people allowed to come. It was the worse financial decision i made but i literally had to see him one last time because i just couldnt get out of the depression that i was in. I had just moved to a different house, that costed alot less after my dad died- because my sister randomly decided to move out. I was doing well, working every single day and spending almost all of my checks on rent and my car. But i was happy. Then, i fell short a couple payments on my car and they took it immediately. I begged my case to have a payment plan arranged but they would not budge. I lost my car completely and everything inside of it including my kids belongings like his car seat, his toys, etc. i dont care about the car or anything else inside of it but my sons things. I felt like a failure. My heart was broken. Im now only not even 2 weeks behind on my rent of 975$ and have already been served. Already being threatened to get kicked out. I have absolutely no family to ask for help. All of my friends are in their own financial hardships. I have nothing else to lose right now so i looked up different loans i could get and never got accepted- my credit PLUMMETED severely when i lost my car. No one wants to work with me or even give me a fighting chance. I just want to get my life back together. I just want to buy a shitty, reliable cheap car so I can go to work every day. I dont want to lose my son, he is my whole entire world. He is the reason I fight every single day. Without him, i am nothing. I would even make payments back to whoever lended me at this point i just need help. I just really need help, i have no one and nothing to lean on. No family. No friends. Nothing.
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dmark44001 –
Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. dmark44001@gmail.com or +1 786-632-6715